Doubling the Stakes: Tennessee’s Proposed Increase to Noneconomic Damages Caps
If enacted, HB0005 will significantly reshape the liability environment in Tennessee by doubling the statutory caps on noneconomic damages. Visit our blog to learn more.
Game over or game on? The future of noncompetes
In a recent article published in the Tennessee Bar Journal, Tom Shumate examines the 3-2 Federal Trade Commission decision which narrowly approved the issuance of a revised final rule (“Rule”) that prohibits most post-employment noncompete agreements nationwide. While this action was immediately met with cheers by most employees and jeers by most employers, Tom discusses how its immediate, short-term impact may be overstated.
Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act: What Business Owners Need to Know
Ensure your business is ready to comply with the new federal Corporate Transparency Act and understands the reporting requirements of the Beneficial Ownership Information Report. Contact us if you have any questions or need support navigating the deadlines.
What employers need to know about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Money, Money, Money, Money: Navigating Commissions as Final Wages in “The Great Resignation”
As employers offer bonuses, commissions, and other incentive structures to attract and retain talent, it becomes crucial to proactively determine how they will treat these forms of compensation when the employment relationship ends.
Attorney’s Fees Alone Can Constitute Damages for Inducement to Breach a Non-compete.
Attorney’s Fees Alone Can Constitute Damages for Inducement to Breach a Non-compete
More than a SLAPP on the Wrist: Lessons from Nandigam v. Beavers
Anti-SLAPP lawsuits don’t always require litigation.
No Need to Ask for Forgiveness if You Have Permission to Access Data under The Supreme Court’s Interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Photo by <a href="">Bermix Studio</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Protecting Your Business When Reopening During the COVID-19 Era
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Streaming Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic - The Legal Do's and Don'ts
Photo by: Jay-Pee Pena on Unsplash